Google Chrome android monopoly on search American court reacts

Google Chrome android monopoly on search American court reacts

Google News: Google has suffered a big blow from the American court. Actually, the court has accused Google of monopoly. Along with this, the court has also reprimanded for the violation of antitrust. The court has also termed Google Chrome’s dominance over the default search engine and web browser as wrong. The court has also given many instructions on violation of many rules on Google.

The court said that Android and Chrome should be separated. Along with this, instructions have been given to separate Google Play Store from other businesses. Let us tell you that at present Google Chrome browser is linked with the Android operating system. Besides, other Google products like Gmail, Drive and YouTube are also linked together.

Many suggestions have been given to Google on Google search distribution practices, revenue sharing, data and advertising. The court has said that Google’s sharing of revenue with Apple as the default search engine in iPhone is against the rules. In such a situation, other players will have difficulty in making a place in the market. The court also said that Google should not misuse its dominance. Also, all such agreements should be banned in which Google is given importance in Chrome and Android in search.

The court said this

The court has instructed Google to share the information about the data collected from its service. It has been said to provide information on Google search result advertising and ranking algorithm. This also includes suggestions for use for AI testing or providing information about AI services owned by Google.

Google clarified on separating search and Android

Here, in the matter, Google said that separating Android and Chrome may cause harm to customers. Even the cost may increase. Also, this is a very serious matter. In such a situation, Gal has refused to separate Android and its search engine business.

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